Well, it’s an age-old adage that keeps on coming around – so, we’ve put together some cropping insights to support the three most popular New year’s resolutions.
Here goes…
We need all round fitness to build resilience, robustness, and reliable results. Many things can knock us from our optimal growing conditions – abiotic stresses – cold, hot, wet, dry, pH etc as well as biotic stress – disease, pests etc and then the link between them as to the severity and impact on the crop.
Quick Q&A:
What can we do to mitigate issues and maximise our crops production?
Consider the current state and expected potential of the crop.
Do we need to maximise our rooting due to the wet autumn?
Consider Luxor / Calfite Extra.
Do we need to maximise rooting in our second / third wheats to mitigate take all impacts etc?
Consider Luxor / Calfite Extra.
Do we need to balance our nutrient status with leaching or nutrient lock up?
Look at applying Luxor and Wholly K
Do we need to mitigate other abiotic stresses?
Use Scyon and Kirol
Do we need to balance our nutrient status with crop health in mind?
Apply Scyon
Do we need to supply P?
Luxor on low P index soils or scavenge P on higher / more organic soils – so look at Calfite Extra.
Saving money can be done in several ways, spending less, making our money go further and looking for more efficient options.
Spending less means reviewing our current situation and looking at what we want to achieve with a specific budget.
We have had some excellent trials and farmer demonstrations following our N and P programmes, in a range of crops – cereals, potatoes, maize for example.
Tarbis, our foliar endophyte version of Tiros can help to reduce N levels significantly and maintain yield. It runs like a generator in the background supplying N and P.
Twoxo is the leading N assimilation technology making the best use of what you have applied and taken up into the plant, increasing yields in high N systems.
Tarbis again switches on the plants ability to support P solubilisation in the soil and Luxor will supply any further requirements with a lot better ROI than the very inefficient granular applications.
Picking the right granular product and supporting it with very efficient foliar products will increase nutrient use efficiency, optimise yields and have knock on effects in other agronomy areas because of enhance nutrient status of the crop.
Improved mental health, here I am going to give a big shout to a lady I met at the recent AICC conference with a stand giving support to our industry through two support networks FCN (Farming Community Network) and Farmwell and they offer help and support to the agricultural industry with information, support and someone to talk to.
So, if required they can be relied upon.
Well, I hope that gives a little support and guidance for the coming season and how with a little forward planning we can achieve the best results possible.